This book follows the exploits of John "Jack Shandy" Chandagnac, who travels to the new world after the death of his puppeteer father to confront his uncle, who apparently has made off with the family inheritance. During the voyage, he gets to know a woman named Beth Hurwood and her father Benjamin Hurwood, an Oxford professor. Before they arrive, their ship is waylaid by pirates and, with the help of the professor and his assistant, the captain is killed and Chandagnac is forced to join the pirate crew. The reader discovers a sinister plot being concocted by the professor involving his dead wife, his living daughter, the Fountain of Youth, and Blackbeard. Chandagnac, now known as "Jack Shandy", must put a stop to these plans and save Beth Hurwood.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides





Rosie puts an expectant father through his paces in a daddy boot camp. And she helps a mom find a top-notch nanny....



The title of this episode is “Death by a Thousand Cuts”. Cooper and the red cell team track a serial killer who is casually shooting people in crowded areas. Also, Beth’s life is put in threat when she and Prophet go undercover. Many people have already died because of this killer whose plot is still unknown why would he do such thing? The way to find out is to arrest him.
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