The Killing is based on the wildly successful Danish television series Forbrydelsen and tells the story of the murder of a young girl in Seattle and the subsequent police investigation. Season one consists of thirteen one-hour episodes, each representing one day in the investigation. The Killing ties together three distinct stories around a single murder including the detectives assigned to the case, the victim's grieving family, and the suspects. Set in Seattle, the story also explores local politics as it follows politicians connected to the case. As the series unfolds, it becomes clear that there are no accidents; everyone has a secret, and while the characters think they've moved on, their past isn't done with them. 


Watch Army Wives

With her husband and daughter both dealing with issues, Claudia Joy is caught in the middle. David has a hard first day of school and ends up in detention there and grounded at home, mostly because he's accustomed to keeping his own counsel. When he later runs away in frustration, T.J.'s help makes all the difference. Denise returns to work at Mercer Hospital to find Jeremy's fiancée on staff. Tonya rebuffs Denise's friendly overtures until the perfect present punctures her reserve. Chase tells Trevor that he's already an outstanding leader; does he really want to deal with the politics that go along with being an officer? When Pamela is in a firefight at work, it makes the news, live, and Chase gets a little taste of what it was like for her when he was on a Delta Force mission. Roxy supports Trevor's decision about applying for OCS, no matter which way he decides, as long as he makes his own decision and remembers that he's not Chase, nor is he Col. Sherwood.


Watch Basketball Wives


It's not easy being the wife or girlfriend of a basketball player. In this reality tv series, the lifestyle of basketball players and their relationships are revealed. From large homes to designer wear, and even questioning fidelity while on the road, this is the life on basketball wives.




Watch Camelot
Camelot is the timeless and powerful tale of legendary King Arthur, and he is the focus of this new romantic adventure series from Starz. "Camelot" will feature a stunning cast of talented young actors weaving authenticity into a fresh approach to the most classic medieval tale of all time.
Season 1, Episode 10 - Reckoning:
  The battle of Bardon Pass continues as Arthur tries to defend it alone. Meanwhile Morgan continues with her plan to take the throne while Arthur is away.


Watch The Voice
The performance round kicks off with top singers from each team battling against each other

Season 1, Episode 7 - Live Show, Quarter-Finals 1




