Watch Jersey Shore

Grab your hair gel, wax that Cadillac and get those tattooed biceps ready to fist pump with the best this summer at the Jersey Shore. MTV's newest docu-soap exposes one of the tri-state area's most misunderstood species, the Guido. Our Guidos and Guidettes will move into the ultimate beach house rental and indulge in everything the Seaside Heights, New Jersey scene has to offer. Beach by day, dancing and partying all night. Watch the Jersey Shore crew as they live, work, and rage together until the summer ends. There's no spray tan too orange, no hair too spiked, and no bod too tight for this crew. 


Watch The Glades
Jim has to discern whether bootleggers are involved when a man is found shot on a "Hemingway Days" cruise. A past romance of Callie's shows up with unexpected news that could drastically change everything.


Watch Leverage

When homeless veterans in the Boston area begin disappearing, the team must go back to college and infiltrate the world of secret societies.


Watch True Blood

Bill is in need of Sookie's help. Jessica is implored to glamour Jason. Terry tries to help Andy with an intervention. Alcide reassesses his loyalties. Bill organizes the vampires to attack Marnie's Moon Goddess Emporium.
